Ok, as promised here we are.
To pick up where I left off.
You'll note that I said that the swelling hadn't subsided much. Well, Monday morning came and off to work. During the day, my arm swelled up more than before. It also started to hurt right in my shoulder joint. I thought best to phone the doctor and duly got an appointment later that day.
I explained to the doctor the situation, he took one look at my arm, said "I don't like the look of that" (helluva diagnosis), and promptly wrote a perscription for some strong anti-biotics.
He said that more and more, people are getting infections due to being stung. It seems that our little, friendly wasps are becoming more potent in their attacking.
So that's that, I've still got some tablets to go, but nearly run the course.
What else is happening?
We have a few things on Ebay at the moment.
My past experience of Ebay is predominantly buying things. Selling is a bit nerve-racking isn't it?
Our main item on there is our CD collection. We're hoping to get at least £250 for the lot. The auction ends in about two hours, and we haven't had any bids, BUT we do have six people watching. We're crossing our fingers for flurry of bids in the final ten minutes.
Travian is hotting up somewhat. We have our forum alliance which now consists of about 13 of us.It's getting fairly tricky for anyone who's been on there a while (like me). I'm currently having a big fall out with a group of fifteen year olds from Belgium! Only on the internet eh?
The house is coming along slowly. The roof seems to be taking an age. I'll get some photos when they've finished that part. Hopefully mid week.
Right, I guess I've bored you now with too much ramblings so I'll leave it there.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
I thought that I'd be able to keep up with this thing!
I must apologise for not keeping it more up to date.
This is only a quick hello, but I'll give you the week's update later today.
I must apologise for not keeping it more up to date.
This is only a quick hello, but I'll give you the week's update later today.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Sometimes you look at things and think "what's the point?"
I have thought this about wasps for quite sometime. I really don't think that they have a great purpose in life. They just exist to annoy other forms of life.
I think this especially at the moment and here's why.
Yesterday, we were due to have some relatives of WW visit for lunch. This being the case, I thought it best to take the beast for a walk myself.
The usual route follows a road for a few hundred yards, onto a private track and then a footpath. This was done without incident. It was a nice sunny day, so shorts, t-shirt and flipflops were in order.
Part of the path passes through some bushes; sloe & blackberries. Part way through these, I felt a slight stinging to my upper arm. Nettles, I thought and went to rub the spot. It was then that I felt quite a large insect. Sod it. I wasn't totally sure what it was, but no residual sting, so highly likely that a wasp was the culprit. Bugger things.
I've been stung by a wasp before and knew that I was in for an hour or two of discomfort. Never mind. Towards the end of the walk, about 15 mins later, I felt a bit odd but thought nothing of it.
By about 16:00, my arm had really swollen up. Very tight around the elbow. So off to Boots. The pharmacist recommended some anti-hystamines(sp?) and said the swelling should reduce in about 20 mins.
I had a fairly restless night, punctuated with bouts of waking up due to a painful arm.
08:30 we decided that hospital was the order of the day, as my arm bloody hurt and was still massively swollen.
On arrival, the waiting room seemed pretty quiet; a good sign.
Waiting rooms are fantastic for people watching. I wasn't really in the mood, but couldn't resist looking at the various characters.
Of most interest, I guess, were a pair of young-ish women, one of them with a toddler. Both were dressed similarly. Sovereign rings a plenty, not a wedding ring in sight mind.
All their time was being taken up with wild movements of their thumbs accross the keypads of their matching phones.
The child that they were with seemed quite poorly and was coughing and wheezing - possibly from being stuck in a lounge full of cigarette smoke?
Anyway, 20 minutes and I was called through, taken into a booth. A doctor showed up fairly quickly and we had a chat about the cause, symptoms etc.
All in all, we were there just over three hours. I had several blood tests and they also administered some intravenous drugs.
The swelling hasn't subsided much, but is a bit more comfortable.
So, it seems that I might have an allergic reaction to wasp stings (never before mind). We'll see when they get the other blood tests back.
So, ladies and gentlemen, that is why wasps are not at the top of my Christmas card list.
I have thought this about wasps for quite sometime. I really don't think that they have a great purpose in life. They just exist to annoy other forms of life.
I think this especially at the moment and here's why.
Yesterday, we were due to have some relatives of WW visit for lunch. This being the case, I thought it best to take the beast for a walk myself.
The usual route follows a road for a few hundred yards, onto a private track and then a footpath. This was done without incident. It was a nice sunny day, so shorts, t-shirt and flipflops were in order.
Part of the path passes through some bushes; sloe & blackberries. Part way through these, I felt a slight stinging to my upper arm. Nettles, I thought and went to rub the spot. It was then that I felt quite a large insect. Sod it. I wasn't totally sure what it was, but no residual sting, so highly likely that a wasp was the culprit. Bugger things.
I've been stung by a wasp before and knew that I was in for an hour or two of discomfort. Never mind. Towards the end of the walk, about 15 mins later, I felt a bit odd but thought nothing of it.
By about 16:00, my arm had really swollen up. Very tight around the elbow. So off to Boots. The pharmacist recommended some anti-hystamines(sp?) and said the swelling should reduce in about 20 mins.
I had a fairly restless night, punctuated with bouts of waking up due to a painful arm.
08:30 we decided that hospital was the order of the day, as my arm bloody hurt and was still massively swollen.
On arrival, the waiting room seemed pretty quiet; a good sign.
Waiting rooms are fantastic for people watching. I wasn't really in the mood, but couldn't resist looking at the various characters.
Of most interest, I guess, were a pair of young-ish women, one of them with a toddler. Both were dressed similarly. Sovereign rings a plenty, not a wedding ring in sight mind.
All their time was being taken up with wild movements of their thumbs accross the keypads of their matching phones.
The child that they were with seemed quite poorly and was coughing and wheezing - possibly from being stuck in a lounge full of cigarette smoke?
Anyway, 20 minutes and I was called through, taken into a booth. A doctor showed up fairly quickly and we had a chat about the cause, symptoms etc.
All in all, we were there just over three hours. I had several blood tests and they also administered some intravenous drugs.
The swelling hasn't subsided much, but is a bit more comfortable.
So, it seems that I might have an allergic reaction to wasp stings (never before mind). We'll see when they get the other blood tests back.
So, ladies and gentlemen, that is why wasps are not at the top of my Christmas card list.
Friday, September 16, 2005
Quick Update
No pics, no funny stories!
Sorry about that, but I thought I had better put finger to keyboard so that you know I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth.
Very busy at work this week (both of us), but time is flying at the moment.
House is coming along...........slowly. A bit frustrating a the roof seems to be taking ages. Everyday when we come home, we hope to see it finished, and every day there seems to be about 20 more tiles fitted that yesterday. Very frustrating.
What of the weather? A bit on and off. Yesterday was bloomin' awful. It rained, then it rained some more, and then guess what? It rained again. We had seven bowls down in the bay of the living room to catch the drips! Nightmare.
It would be nice to think that this is the worst of it, but you never know.
TOM has been in touch quite frequently. Across the channel, all is well, including Wife Of TOM. Well on the mend. This is good news indeed.
Hopefully we shall be going out towards the end of Nov. Looking forward to that muchly.
That's all for now, but I'll leave you with this thought........... why are there so many of these strange, leggy spiders around this year. We've got them everywhere. Small little bodies, but really long legs. Bizarre.
Sorry about that, but I thought I had better put finger to keyboard so that you know I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth.
Very busy at work this week (both of us), but time is flying at the moment.
House is coming along...........slowly. A bit frustrating a the roof seems to be taking ages. Everyday when we come home, we hope to see it finished, and every day there seems to be about 20 more tiles fitted that yesterday. Very frustrating.
What of the weather? A bit on and off. Yesterday was bloomin' awful. It rained, then it rained some more, and then guess what? It rained again. We had seven bowls down in the bay of the living room to catch the drips! Nightmare.
It would be nice to think that this is the worst of it, but you never know.
TOM has been in touch quite frequently. Across the channel, all is well, including Wife Of TOM. Well on the mend. This is good news indeed.
Hopefully we shall be going out towards the end of Nov. Looking forward to that muchly.
That's all for now, but I'll leave you with this thought........... why are there so many of these strange, leggy spiders around this year. We've got them everywhere. Small little bodies, but really long legs. Bizarre.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Where's The Time Going
As promised, here we are with a bang up to date posting.
House is coming along. Lots of roof things at the moment.
Last week was pretty good weather-wise, so they cracked on. Unfortunately it's being pouring down for the last 20 hours or so, so we've got leaks galore!!!
Last weekend saw WW and myself make the trek down the road to one of those forest destinations. Was great fun and most relaxing. Anneka Rice and his family joined us Sat morning. Great to see them. NHG is growing up very fast, and is quite possibly the cutest kid in the world..............

We weren't too active can't wait to go again!
What else? Well work-wise, I had organised a team building event at a place near Norwich (www.bramleylakes.co.uk). Again, great fun, but with a slant towards team development. Highlight for me was driving big V8 Rangerovers around a muddy old track at some very odd angles.
This is Wednesday evening.........

Here's the house ones........

House is coming along. Lots of roof things at the moment.
Last week was pretty good weather-wise, so they cracked on. Unfortunately it's being pouring down for the last 20 hours or so, so we've got leaks galore!!!
Last weekend saw WW and myself make the trek down the road to one of those forest destinations. Was great fun and most relaxing. Anneka Rice and his family joined us Sat morning. Great to see them. NHG is growing up very fast, and is quite possibly the cutest kid in the world..............

We weren't too active can't wait to go again!
What else? Well work-wise, I had organised a team building event at a place near Norwich (www.bramleylakes.co.uk). Again, great fun, but with a slant towards team development. Highlight for me was driving big V8 Rangerovers around a muddy old track at some very odd angles.
This is Wednesday evening.........

Here's the house ones........

Many apologies for the lack in posting on here. Been very busy.
It's pouring with rain, nothing happening today, so expect an update later..............
It's pouring with rain, nothing happening today, so expect an update later..............
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