I guess that this is due to us pretty much getting the house done. In the interim period, it's been difficult for us to have visitors, so we've been "saving them up". Also, folks are keen to come and see it.
So, bank holiday weekend saw Tim, Bobbie & Nicole here.

As mentioned previously, we went to a farm not far from here. Very busy and loads of families enjoying themselves. Some great stuff for kids to do. Myself and Tim were most jealous.
The following Friday (1st Sep). We had a visit from Reg (Rachel). She's an online friend who we've never met before. Lots of things in common with Reg. For starters, she lives in Lincoln and went to the same school that myself (and siblings) did. She lived in France for a while (her mum still does), not far from where Ma & Pa have retired to.
We had a bite to eat on the Friday and then headed out to the Livvy where a local band were playing. H was taught how to throw the horns. She still has to count her fingers to get it right!

The following day saw some more online friends visiting. Darren & Laura and Colin & Helen.
Much laughs over a few beers in the pub, then back for some Raclettey goodness. Darren even made the effort to dress for dinner...

Later that evening saw us playing guitar hero. New to us, but it's a Playstation 2 thing. You use a big plastic guitar and play along with stuff on the screen. Sounds simple, but is pretty difficult!
Here it is being demonstrated by Laura...

So that was the last few weeks. Today we have Jo & Ian coming round for dinner. Next weekend it's Kerynn (all the way from Australia!) along with Reg again. The week after it's Nutty Cow. The week after that it's the Uni friends etc etc etc