Tuesday, October 31, 2006

More Car Drama

Two blogs in two days!

Well, last Monday I phoned our insurance broker and sorted out the insurance for the Mini. Bit more pricey than the Ka, but only to be expected.
The documentation came through on Wednesday. I gave it the once over and the fools had got the registration details wrong! They had put a 'P' instead of an 'A'. I phoned them on Thursday (the day we picked it up) and they said, "no problems, we'll amend it and it'll be okay". Saturday comes round and I open the post to discover a new cover note. There was a covering letter saying that the detail had been amended. I check the cover note and still see a 'P' where the 'A' should be!!! Arggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh!
A rather sharp phonecall (from my side) and some apologies (from their side). "We'll send you out some new documentation, sir."
So tax due today and I leave work early to get home, get the post and pop to the Post Office............ what no insurance docs!!!
Another phone call finds that yes, they've got the right registration, but the cover note is only in the post today.
"I need tax today!"
"Well, I'm really sorry. Do you want to pick it up?"
"I think that Downham Market to Bourne and back is pushing it a little, don't you?"

What to do?

I must now point out that the following DID NOT occur and was purely in my mind

So, I know that we're insured correctly (i.e. correct registration) it's just that I don't have the cover note in my position.
Without tax, H isn't insured. How does she get to work? She could use the BM and I could get a lift? Mmmmmmm.
I look at the 'wrong' cover note. My, my a capital 'P' looks similar to a capital 'A' if you put a little stick on the side. I search for a black biro and the deed is done (in my mind only, remember!)
So off I shoot to the Post Office. Hand everything over. I'm sure I wince as the lady behind the counter checks the cover note. She starts to pass it back........ Phew! She pauses...... Gulp! "That 'A' looks like it's been altered". Big, big gulp!!!
After a few nervous moments, she says she'll do it, but to check with the insurance company that they've got it right.

We now have tax............. well we would have if the above had occurred. I don't need a lift into work.

Monday, October 30, 2006

New Wheels

After the week's earlier doubts, we picked the car up on Thursday.
H drove it all the way home and then we both took it out for a quick spin round town. First impressions were favourable.
Peterborough and back for H on Friday. It got quite a bit of attention at her work. When she got home on Friday, she had a fairly large grin on her face. I think that the verdict is a massive "brilliant".
I haven't driven it much, but we had to pop into King's Lynn yesterday, so I took the opportunity. The handling is absolutely superb. It's very solidly built and everything feels chunky and solid. Anyone wanna buy a Ka?
We didn't really get chance to set it up for photos, but here are a couple of snaps in the meantime...

What else we been doing?
H was in King's Lynn on Saturday lunchtime for a couple of hours doing a street collection for The Samaritans. She enjoyed it and they got quite a bit of money.
On her return, we both took a deep breath and then drove down to Lakeside to Ikea. We've been meaning to do this for a couple of months, but never got round to it.
Ikea is pretty good for what it is. My main gripe with it (as with most shopping) is the people. With it being a Saturday, it was pretty busy. Full of Essex-types!
Anyway, an hour or two and the ordeal was over. We got plenty of stuff including a couple of nice bar stools for the kitchen. £400 lighter we made the journey home.
A clock change overnight Saturday meant that we were up and about it good time. We've been after a new mirror for the bathroom for a while. The ones we've seen are a bit pricey (especially in Homebase where we saw them first - £195!) We've since searched them out on t'interweb for about half that. Someone tipped off H that they had them in Argos too, so we had a quick scan on their website. Sure enough, for £49!!! We had a quick look and they had one in stock in King's Lynn. Good excuse to take the Mini for a spin too.
We dived there and then called off at Homebase on the way home and got some salt for the water softener, to get that going too.
So the next couple of hours was spent putting things together and fixing things to walls etc.
I was most nervous about the bathroom mirror. When we spent so much on tiles, I was dreading drilling them! Not a problem in the end (with a bit of care and patience).
All in all a good day's work.
We polished the day off with a lovely roast lamb dinner.
That was the weekend!!!

Monday, October 23, 2006

The News Is Good!

Just a quick update on the car situation.
First thing this morning I gave DVLA a call. They were able to confirm that the Mini is indeed on their database. They didn't know why it wasn't online though.
I then called the insurance company and they had it on their database too.
Always good to be cautious, but in this case everything was okay.

So, I've transferred the balance of money across and we've got insurance sorted. With a bit of luck we'll be able to pick it up on Thursday evening. Pics to follow!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Buying Cars!!!

As mentioned previously, we're now in the market for a new car for H. During the week, we've been sussing out the main Mini dealers as well as Auto Trader.
Yesterday we decided to embark on a dealer trip. I was busy until about midday....... oh hang on, I'm gonna have to go off topic for a while. One of our lorry drivers at work has been raving about this mobile snack bar just off Hardwick roundabout (King's Lynn). He's been recommending the bacon rolls. So, as I was busy in Lynn until about 11.30 and knew we were going out, I suggested to H that I call in for one of the aforementioned snacks. This I did. Bloody lovely!!! Basically, it's half a french stick (but soft, not crispy) stuffed full of bacon. I got some brown sauce added, cut in half, wrapped in foil and then brought it home. Totally and utterly delicious!
Right, where was I? Oh yes, car shopping. After our refreshments, we headed out to Peterborough. To the Mini/BMW dealer - Sycamores.
Now, car salesman have a certain place in society. We all know that they are not to be trusted and will sell their blind grandmother for tuppence. This one was no exception. About 20 years old in a sharp suit and designer stubble. That said, he's only trying to make himself a living and wasn't soooooooo bad.
The model we actually were interested in was in the workshop being 'made to look nice'. We took another one out for a test drive and were quite impressed to be honest.
So we were interested and bring on the tough talking.
This is what frustrates H (and I'm sure 80% of the population) why do we have to bloody haggle??? Why can't they they put their price on and we pay it (like in a high street shop). But, that's not how it works. No matter what I do, they're gonna play the game, forcing me into likewise. I don't mind negotiating.
Lots of talk and the little boy running to see his Sales Manager result in him coming back with a final offer of £1300 for our car/discount. So we're talking £9695. We're reasonably okay with this, but H wants the additional driving lights and put this to him. "Oh but that costs over £400!" Absolute rubbish and I tell him so. Eventually, he admits it will cost them about £150. He still declines, so we walk.

So to Bury St Edmunds. This is worse. They don't even have a car we're interested in. The ones that they do have seem over-priced. They are the same spec and same price, but twice the mileage. What gives? The sharp suited kid tells me that they can command that price because of the location. Thisa makes no sense to me as we've just travelled an hour to maybe buy a better car.

So, we're done. It's 4.30pm and no time to get to another dealer before closing time. On the way home, we get looking at the print out from Auto Trader. There's a private car only 15 miles away. Up to now, we've ignored private deals. Well, might be worth a look.
We get home and I give the guy a call. Can we pop round now? Of course. We transfer to the BM and shove Jack in the back. A brief stop at Tesco and we're there within 30 mins.
Straight away, I can tell H is wary. She doesn't like the bloke. He's middle aged, wearing quite a bit of bling and is slightly rude. They've obviously got money and it's a nice bungalow. All of that said, this is a bargain of a car. It's got less than 17K on the clock and is advertised for £9.4K, loaded with extras!
After some small talk, we head out for a test drive. Nothing wrong. Back to their place and me & H have a chat. It seems an absolute bargain and I tell H so. She's still not comfortable though. She's a such a great judge of character and doesn't like this guy. Reason to walk away? No.
So we talk to him, He tells us that the local BM dealer has dealer has offered him £8750 px. So it's up for £9400. Where do I pitch? I go in at a straight £9K and he shakes my hand! I'm a bit surprised and H looks even more suspicious!
Anyway, we head inside to sort things out. His wife appears and H has a good chat with her. Things seem a little more comfortable. I leave him a cheque deposit and we drive away with a plan to pick up the car on Friday.
As it stands, we've got a car that is very slightly older than what we wanted, it'd got very low mileage and loaded with extras. H still feels wary. Why did he agree so readily to my £9K offer? Why is it such a good price? etc
This morning, I get on to the DVLA website to check it out. Ouch. They do not have a record of this registration plate! I do various checks and find the same. I phone the guy to confirm the number, it's correct. Now I'M concerned. He did tell me that they're getting it serviced at the BMW garage in Cambridge on Monday (same place as I got my car from). We walk Jack and think lots. Back home by 10.30 and we're trawling for alternatives, planning trips out to Norwich etc. I then get in touch with said garage at Cambridge. The salesman is able to give me a complete history of the car from when it was first bought.
Why no DVLA record. This I do not know.

Bang up to date then. We've got a bargain of a car in front of us. The guy seems a bit of a prat, but his wife is lovely (like so many couples???). BMW are able to give us a complete history which makes me feel better. What is one to do?
Watch this space. I'll be in touch with the DVLA tomorrow. I've not cancelled my cheque yet!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Camb

The weekend started with another early morning phone call to me from work who were struggling. I tried to sort it, but to no avail so had to go in. A few hours later and things were sorted. Pretty much spoilt my lay in though! The rest of the day flew by and before we knew it, it was Sunday and Cambridge. I had us tickets to go and see Level 42.

We have decided to get H a new car so, we set off in good time to go and have a look at some at a garage near Cambridge. That done we headed back into the city. Cambridge really is a lovely place and the sun was shining and a good temperature. After a bit of a wander around, it was soon time for some food.
There's quite a famous restaurant there called "Browns", so this would be quite an apt place to eat. I'd been looking at the menu online a few days previously and seemed to remember it being on Regent Street. A quick scan at a map and we set off walking.... and walked some more....... and some more. We must have gone a mile down this road before turning round. I admitted defeat and called 118. Fortunately the operator told me it was on Trumpington Street without connecting me, so I saved a few pennies there. Where's Trumpington Street? Best head back to the map then.
After a while, it did cross my mind that it might actually not be that far away and what a waste to walk all the way to the map only to come back....again! So I gave them a call.
It turned out that Trumpington Street was actually parallel to Regent Street, so we cut down a small road and were there within about 5 mins.

Here is a link to the website. It's a really nice place, originally being part of Addenbrookes hospital.
For starter, we shared a baked Camembert with crusty bread to dip. That was as lovely as it sounds. Better than the main courses that we had (Fish & Chips and Steak & Guinness Pie).
A gentle stroll back into town and we were still a little early for the gig so headed to Starbucks and had an enormous coffee each.

We got to the Corn Exchange just as the doors were opening and popped to the side bar for a quick drink. After about ten minutes we were allowed into the main auditorium.
I'd got us front row seats and this mean being with touching distance of the stage. We met up with a few friends from the digest and had a bit of a chin wag.
The support came on soon afterwards. Anyone remember Kenny Thomas? He was brilliant and has still got his great soulful voice.
Then the main event. This will be about the seventh time that we've seen them and possibly the best. We were stood up dancing and singing for the whole gig and it was a superb atmosphere.
I've "pinched" a couple of pics from a friend's website as mine didn't come out very well...

The guy who took the photos (Glynn) was sat next to us so you can probably see how close we were to the band.
Being close to Cambridge meant that we were home by about 11:15 which rounded off a good day.

Thursday, October 12, 2006


Last weekend brought a nice welcome rest for the two of us.
At last, the whole weekend to ourselves - a real treat.

Saturday didn't start with the best thing though. A phonecall from work at 7.10 am. A few problems that they couldn't sort themselves, so I had to pop in and sort it. Home again by about 11.15 though, so not too bad.
Saturday afternoon was spent doing a few jobs and popping to Tesco. On the way home, H commented that she really fancied a Pizza Hut. I had to agree! We dropped off the shopping and drove up to King's Lynn.
We ordered a starter and a side salad. For the main course we got a large Edge with extra spicey beef and extra cheese. After our starter, the waitress turned up with our pizza, but there was a problem. They had made the pizza with only the extras. However, they were making another one for us to the correct spec.
It all turned out to be a bargain really. We ate about 2/3 of the mistake pizza, the rest we got boxed up along with ALL of the proper pizza. Gave us (and Jack) supper for the evening.

Sunday wasn't so good for H. I think a week of hard work had caught up with her and she still felt shattered, so spent most of the day in bed.
I took advantage of the good weather though and took Jack out for about 6.5 miles. Very pleasant.
On return I made a stonkingly good roast chicken dinner.

Hopefully this weekend will be nice and relaxing too.
I've got to go into King's Lynn for a few hours on Saturday, the evening is our own.
Sunday, we're going to see Level 42 in Cambridge (front row seats!) so we'll probably head off there early-ish and grab a bite to eat first.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Okay, here are the photos relating to the previous message...

At Last

H said to me last night "You haven't done a blog entry for a while". My reply was that I only remember about it when I don't have time to do one!
It seems that thought must have stuck with me. I find myself with a spare five minutes and here we are.
There is one problem though. A lot of what we've been doing has photos to illustrate. All the photos are on the machine at home.
I guess I'll just have to add them later.

A few things have been happening. Following on from the visit by the guys on OOS, Reg visited again (we did't put her off the first time!). She was also joined by Kerynn. She's also from OOS and was visiting England all the way from Australia. A good couple of days involving lots of laughing!

I guess that the most recent weekend has been the busiest for us though. This has been planned in for a while. We were to be invaded by H's housemates from university days. The difference being that the housemates have turned into families!
The events started with a flying visit to H's sister. It was little Cerys's 1st birthday. Lorraine (H's sister) had made a really fab cake in the shape of a toadstool with accessories (it was a fairy party).
So back home just in time for the first arrivals. Clare & Mo along with their two sons Kieran and Adam, 4 and 2 respectively. We learnt two things... firstly that our house is not toddler proof, secondly that Jack does not take kindly to being followed about by little people. The two boys did a fantastic job of keeping us all entertained!
Sunday morning saw the arrival of others. Firstly Tim & Bobbie with Nicole, then Lorraine & Norm with Cerys. Unforunately, Clare & John couldn't make it.
So plenty of folks around and a great time had by all. As I said, photos to follow. Now need to do some work.