Friday morning came and we set off after dropping Jack off at the kennels. TomTom was telling us about 6.5 hours. Normally, I can knock that time a bit though. However, that wasn't counting on the weather. We went from drizzle to sunshine to torrential downpours and then back to sunshine again!
This slowed us up a bit and then we grabbed something to eat near Scotch corner.
So the satnav ended up being spot on. A quick call to Gordon and he popped down to guide us up to their flat. Fifth floor, so a quick hike up the steps. It really is a lovely flat too, but Di insists that it's her influence.
After a coffee, we left our car at their place and all headed to our hotel in their car. Thanks to Tesco being generous with their Deal tokens, we chose to stay at the Hilton. The receptionist's face was a picture as I strolled in wearing scruffy shorts and a T-shirt!
We decamped to our room, had a quick change and then met up again with D & G at the bar next door. After a couple of beers (which went down well after the long drive), we walked to the restaurant, past the castle and some of the city's sights.
Good choice of restaurant, it was really lovely food.
After a couple of bottles of wine and more beer, it was time to head back to the hotel. Myself and Gordon were quite up for keeping the drinking going, but the girls chose the best route of calling time.
I went out in the morning at about 7.30 for a run through one of the parks. It was great at that time in the morning. Unfortunately, the weather didn't hold and after having a large breakfast, it had started to drizzle. Donning coats, we went out to check the shops. Unfortunately, the rain got heavier and heavier and within an hour or so was really pouring down. Back to the hotel.
At about lunchtime, G phoned and asked if we fancied the art galleries. This we did and they were pretty good. A coffee and snacks followed and the rain ceased.
Now was chosen to be a great time to head up Arthurs Seat, which is a a craggy hill that overlooks the city. Behold...
You can see how much the weather had improved. Look at the sweat!
After the swift climb and descent, we headed back to their flat for more refreshments.
The evening was spent quietly at the hotel.
G & D joined us for the huge breakfast in the morning, and then we headed for home. A much better journey back, knocking about 50 mins off the Tomtom time. I didn't speed once - honest!
All in all, it really was a nice weekend, despite the weather. Already looking forward to the next time that we get to meet up.