Saturday, December 24, 2005

Getting back to life continues.........

This week saw frantic activity to get the kitchen in a usable state. The kitchen fitters were pretty much there, but trying to tie the plumber down was a nightmare. It seems that everyone wants things finishing in time for Christmas!
Of course, without a plumber, we wouldn't have a sink, a washing machine, a dishwasher* nor a cooker. Still, Wednesday came and they managed to get it all done. Last night I did some home-cooking for the first time in about a fortnight - didn't half taste good!

Here's what the kitchen looks like now. Bits of finishing to be done, then the tiling, then the floor, then decorating!

* - Don't dishwashers need loads of stuff?!?! Salt, tablets, rinse aid etc

We were determined to have a tree as well. Bought one last Sunday and brought it in on Wednesday evening. Had to go and buy another stand because bits were missing from the old one - probably lost in the foundations somewhere!
WW made a start on decorating it last night. We had to get some new lights and she'd bought some from Tesco. Needless to say - these didn't work no matter how many spare bulbs I tried. So, back to Tesco this morning to exchange them - except they didn't have one set of lights in the whole store. Never mind, one of the local shops was able to povide where the multi-national failed.

Here's the tree (before & after)

Doesn't the blank plaster wall look lovely!!!

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