B2 is here this weekend and we may have a special "guest entry" later.
So house update.
The roofers have been taking bloody ages! Our builder reckoned it was about one & a half weeks for the whole roof. It's taken them nearer four!
Still, nearly finished now. We're very please with the quality of what they've done, just would have liked it sooner.
Also the sparkies have made a start, running some cables for the new section.
So here we go -
(incidentally, click on the photos to get a full size view)
This is what will be our new lounge. There's a woodburning stove that'll go in the fireplace.

B2 making an appearance up on the scaffold.

You can maybe see the lead work here. At least it shouldn't leak!

And one from the front. Still a little work to finish.

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