Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Funny way to encourage recycling

I'm really sick of our local tip!

Over the last year, I've visited it on quite a few occasions and it's bloody hard work.
When we ripped out the kitchen, I painstakingly took the units apart. They were all loaded into the back of the car and despatched to said tip.

On arrival, I headed for the wood skip. But no, that was wrong. These were chipboard so need to go in the non-recyclable. Last time I looked, chipboard was wood! Never mind, I started chucking them in. I was stopped after a few minutes.

"How many units have you got love?", said the attendant woman.
"Well, there's about 5 in total", says I.
I then got given a 'look'. "We're only supposed to take two at a time"
Where is the logic in this? How many people replace a kitchen and only have two units to scrap?

On another occasion, me and H had ripped up the parquet floor in the old lounge. Again duly loaded into bags and carted off. This was wood. Proper wood.

"Sorry love, that doesn't go in there"
WHAT? It's proper wood.
Still, I shrug my shoulders and head over the the non-recyclables. Again I'm told that I've got more than my allowance.
I really don't understand what I'm supposed to do. Hang on to it and take it in 2 bags every fortnight? I'll be taking the same amount!
It almost encourages people to fly-tip.

Yesterday we cleared out one of the sheds. Filled a couple of bags with genuine junk. Of course we then had the usual collection of half empty paint tins. At the tip we got rid of the other stuff and I asked the attendant if they had a special skip for paint.

"Sorry mate, we can't take it. It's classed as hazardous waste"
"Erm, how do I get rid of it then?"
"Well we have a paint amnesty once a year"
"Ah, okay. When is that then?"
"About two months ago"

Great! The guy can tell I'm at a loss and offers this gem.

"What you want to do is empty all of the paint into one tin. We'll happily take all the empty tins. The full one just gets stuck in your wheelie bin under some other stuff. They wont check it."


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