Don't know if I mentioned this previously, but H got me an Antworks for Christmas. A what? Well, it's a little container filled with blue gel. It was developed by NASA to take ants into space, in an environment that they could survive in. Basically, it's a gel that thy tunnel into. It feeds them and allows them to live freely.
You have the option of collecting your own ants, but with it being winter, there aren't that many about so I sent off for some. They arrived yesterday and were duly installed into their new home.
Unfortunately a few died in the post, but I had to chuck the whole lot in as they're pretty active buggers and were escaping all over the place. Last night I went to take out their test tube (that they were delivered in) and they all made a run for it. Despite me being careful, I still managed to squish two when putting the lid back on. This does not make me very happy.
Anyway, I will chart their progress on here from now on.
Here are the first shots...
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