Somehow, I think that it might be our last, for a while at least.
It seems that the policy of the place seems to have shifted. When I first started going, it was a place that gave good quality service, a high standard of food and had a sporty feel to it.
Unfortunately, I now feel that economics is becoming too much of a driver. That's not such a bad thing if it's sustainable and has long term benefits. Now, it seems that they are milking every single last drop of cash out of you that they possibly can.
It's understaffed, over-priced and the quality is poor.
Let me give you an example or two. The first main activity that H & Bobs did was on Tuesday morning. It's called an Arial Adventure. It consists of steadily making your way up tree mounted obstacles e.g. swinging platforms, until you reach quite a high platform where you then take to a zip-wire and slide all the way down. For those familiar, it's quite a lot like Go Ape, only a lot, lot smaller. The session took less than 30 minutes.
It's generally carried out in groups of 6-8. Their group was only the two of them, but that's because this was a very quiet week.
So what's the cost? £21........ each! Eight people at £21 = £168, potentially every half hour! Go Ape is at least £5 less than that and it lasts 2.5-3.5 hours.
The service in the restaurants can be used as another example. You arrive and it would be nice to be served straight away. I would say that it took on average 15 minutes before anyone came and saw us. The usual practice in restaurants is to get your drinks, then get your food order taken, right? Not here, you get the lot arriving at once after a major delay! We made the mistake in one place of asking for a pudding and a glass of water. The pudding took over 20 minutes, the glass of water required prompting. It was pretty damn abysmal.
Drinks prices? Well, bottled cider if fairly popular at the moment, isn't it? A bottle of Magners in the Livvy is £2.95. There, it was £3.95. A pint of Kronenburg and a G&T cost me £7.10!
Anyway, enough moaning. Like I said, we wont be going there next year for sure.
All that said, we still had quite a good time.
Here's a few pics as tasters. The rest can be seen HERE