So the explanation for the previous pics was that the olds came over from France and were at ours for the weekend. Introduced the old man to the delights of Wii. B2 gave him a bit of a thrashing at most things, but he showed his skillz at 10 pin bowling.
Now for the beauty that is Wii boxing though.
The seriousness and concentration on his face is a sight to behold!
This is the same man who came from a caring profession! Scarey!
Onto yesterday...
We decided to have a day in the smoke visiting a few museums.
There was a Kylie exhibition on at the V&A, so I booked us some tickets for that. Unfortunately we missed the earlier train and didn't get there in time for our slot. We spent about 10 minutes in the V&A before heading for the Science Museum.
That's a very good fun place to visit. The most annoying thing is all the bloody little kids running around pressing buttons on things without even bothering to read what it was about. I did take some satisfaction in one particular area though. There was a big steel pole with signs saying "don't touch". Of course this was a pure invite for the little darling to do just that, after which they received a mild electric shock. Unfortunately, it wasn't powerful enough to make any of them cry, but it pleased me all the same!
We popped into one of those motion simulator things where it's a fully enclosed capsule that projects an image onto a screen up front whilst the whole thing moves about on hydraulic cylinders. This was one time when I was quite pleased to have some kids in there rather then adults trying to to pretend they weren't scared. H spent most of her time trying to stay on her seat. I think she fell of about four times in total.
Later on in the day we booked in to see a shark film at the iMax cinema. This is a huge screen, certainly the largest that I've been to. It's also 3D. When we entered, we were given special 3D glasses. We then proceeded to take the piss out of everyone else trying them on. In particular, there was one old chap, of a certain age, who donned his as soon as they were given to him. The comedy value of him stumbling about trying to find a seat with these stupid things on his head was a sight to behold.
So, just how ridiculous does one look in them?
After the Science, it was still early enough to quickly dive into the Natural History museum, but we immediately regretted it. Absolutely rammed does not do it justice. After 15 minutes we made our escape.
Still being a lovely day, we decided to walk quite a bit of the way - from South Kensington, to Knightsbridge, up The Mall and then cutting through to Picadilly Circus. Fantastic people watching to be done.
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