So Nat went down with her hands to her nose. We thought that Tessa has maybe just caught her. Then Natalie said that her nose was bleeding. G'ma became chief nurse and went for the nose with tissues. Whilst Natalie held these against her nose, G'ma shot off upstairs. On her return, she promptly stated that I wouldn't like what she was about to do. I asked what it was, "Aloe Vera" was the reply.
Now my mother has all good intentions at heart, but she does seem to latch on to any old "old wive's" remedy that someone might suggest to her. For the last five years or so it's been Witch Hazel. What Witch Hazel can't fix isn't worth fixing! Well it seems as though Witch Hazel has been knocked off it's pedestal by Aloe Vera.
After a liberal application, much to Nat's concern, she popped off into the kitchen to fetch something else. Enough was enough and I expressed my opinion on home-made remedies quite vocally.
I had a look at Nat's nose and what initially I though might have been a graze, turned out to be a rather nasty split on both sides of her nose. At least I can profess to have been professionally trained. Stitches needed. I asked Mr B senior where the nearest A & E was. His shrugged shoulders and my realisation that every single one of us had had a few glasses of wine put that idea to bed.
In the meantime Mme B happened to mention that she thought she had some steri-strips. Ah ha! At last something useful.
So Dr Tom went to work on the split nose. The bleeding had stopped, and after some careful cleaning and quite a bit of wincing from Nat, I managed to close the cut and hold it together on both sides of the nose.
So, pics!
Note how Natty was not so pleased at me taking the second one. I did say that she'd be glad of the photos later, even if she didn't appreciate them at the time. I think she swore at me!

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