Firstly a bit of a note to do with what is where.
This place will still be used as my general ramblings and will include photos from various sources. The Jack-Attack homepage has been down-sized for now. Finally, my .Mac pages are where you'll find all our family and personal photos.
Facebook has all the local and fun pic on it.
Clear? Good.
Going back to last weekend...
On 3rd September 1987 I started my first full time job. This has turned out to be my only full time job. A fact I'm quite pleased and proud of. Long may it continue - well, not that long actually. Early retirement and a hefty pension would be nice. I suspect that the sugar industry has some recovery to go through before we reach that point though.
Where was I? Oh yeah, September. Well those of you with a reasonable maths education will appreciate that this means I've been with my current employer for some 20 years.
I decided that this occasion couldn't pass without without some form of celebration.
When I was taken on, it was as part of a group called BS03. There were eighteen of us in total from all twelve factories (only four left now!). After a couple of days at the factory (mine was Bardney near Lincoln), we all got shipped to a residential college called Eaton Hall, near Retford. We then began a course of 40 weeks, going home at weekends. I have to say that these were some of the most enjoyable days of my life. I think I can say the same for the other guys on the course too.
Here's a photo of us back in the day! No prizes for guessing which one's me. Remember that this was the 80's! Seated in the middle are "Uncle Ted" and Pete Whinfield who were our main tutors on the course.
Now is not the time to go on about a lot of the things that occurred during these times, but there are many stories!
Anyway, I took it upon myself to organise a reunion. Not the easiest of tasks as seven of the guys are no longer with the company.
But I managed to get in touch with all but one. Eleven of us got together around lunchtime at Go Ape in Thetford Forest. Much fun was had (photos on Facebook), then in the evening we popped across to Sprowston Manor hotel near Norwich for a few drinks(!) and a nice meal. It was fantastic seeing everyone again and I have never spent so long reminiscing in my life!
Here's a pic of the nine of us at the hotel...
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