Jo joins me after an hour or so and we head down the usual path. Toilet Talk. Long Drops.
Spoken to many people about Glastonbury, both before and since. There are two things that generally put people (well, women) off. Firstly is the lack of showers, secondly is the toilets. WW is no exception to this.
I think that I’ve covered off showers and their availability. I’ve also touched on toilets, if you’ll pardon the expression. I mentioned port-a-loos and I think that everyone is reasonably familiar with the design etc. There are also proper flushing toilets, should you desire to seek them out – I never bothered.
The most common toilets though are the Long Drops. I had never really come across theses before. Behold a photo (not mine) for illustration purposes...

Basically they consist of a long line of booths, all fabricated from tin. The interior consists of a bench type seat with a hole in it and a fitted wooden toilet seat. The whole arrangement sits over a large, deep pit. That’s it.
They’re as clean as the last person who used them. They don’t smell. Everyone uses them.
Key things to take with you are toilet paper (either rolls or packs) and/or wet wipes plus hand gel cleaner. Even if you forget toilet paper, there will be supplies close by.
Toilets – not an issue and really nothing that anyone should worry about. So moving on.
Myself and Jo had a bit of bimble. Didn’t fancy a growler this morning, but I remembered a stall next door to it that always seemed quite busy. I also remembered an item that they were selling – the Garlic Guzzler. That’s breakfast agree then, so off we went.
They were as good as they sound...
We then went our own way. I had only passed through Greenfields up to now and did fancy having a look round. My shoulders were still a bit stiff from Wednesday. Healing Fields were right next to Greenfields and I reckoned that a massage would be ideal. Off I popped.
Both Greenfields and Healing Fields are what they sound like, quite spiritual. Really nice, peaceful places. It was lovely just having a wander round.
There were numerous treatments in the area – everything you could wish for really. I found somewhere that was just opening up and waited for my masseur to get her final things ready.
32 year old Lucy has been coming to Glastonbury for 14 years and totally loves it. She explained that they get their place free, but obviously it is a bit of a living for them and still have to pay for food, drink etc. I asked what she would think the “essential” things are to do whilst there.
Her recommendations were a naked sauna, some chai tea, and some Guinness & chocolate cake. She was really insistent on the sauna, but there was no way that I fancied that, no matter how enlightening it was supposed to be! She told me where to get the tea from and I went there straight afterwards, but it was really busy so I skipped it. I didn’t go anywhere near where the cake was for sale, so that was all three of her suggestions not done. Maybe next time.
The massage was very welcome though and made my shoulders feel heaps better.
After this, it was time for much more bimbling, photos and to buy a few things. After the fun yesterday, I also decided to give the Outside Circus Arena another look too. On my way round to that area, I took the higher path across the Pyramid area. The Lightening Seeds were playing and they just went into “Football’s Coming Home”. Now that got the crowd on their feet and dancing.
A really good look around at the stalls etc. You could spend all your time wandering round these. Some great stuff to be had and not silly prices.
On my way round I stopped off for a sit down at the Other Stage. A female was playing who I half recognised and was pretty good. Mostly piano stuff, but with a great voice. A random came to the rescue – Imogen Heap.
Head back to the tent to drop off some stuff, pick up a few ciders and warm top for later. Definitely Delphic today, so off to the John Peel tent.
A massive crowd, and I just about got to the edge of the tent. After a couple of tracks, the sun was right in my eyes, so I squeezed past a few folk to actually get inside.
Down to my right was a guy sat on the floor. He was bent over a little and had a soaking t-shirt on. His friends were trying to get him to drink some water. This was probably my only encounter with someone who had overdone it a little! In the end, they fetched some stewards, who assisted out through the crowds to get some fresh air.
A great set from Delphic although I didn’t get to see that much due to the location.
My plan for the evening was...
Other Stage – The Cribs
John Peel – Foals
Other Stage – Editors
Other Stage – Pet Shop Boys
I dropped Vicky & Hannah a line, as I knew that they were to see The Cribs too. Typically right round the other side from me, but not a worry. I stuck to the main thoroughfare around the outside and eventually found them.
A quick summary of the next couple of hours – Cribs were good. Had a few ciders. Decided to stay with the girls and forego the Foals. Editors were very good. Much people watching and general larking about.
V&H decided they needed warmer clothes, their campsite (specifically for litter people) was round the other side, so we had a wander.
As we were quite close to the Pyramid Stage, we chose Muse over Pet Shop Boys. I’m not a massive Muse fan, but it was a really good set, especially when The Edge came on for Streets Have No Name.
12.30 finish, where else to go but West Holts! A good old sing-a-long and a dance with loads of randoms having a good time.
We called it a night at about 1.30.