I go for the usual coffee and a nice relaxing start, again, watching everything come to life.
I can’t remember exactly who did what first thing, but I vaguely remember wandering down into the site with Jo. She wanted a shower and so was going to head across the Kidz Field where there were some. I wanted to see Rolf Harris start the festival off proper, so grabbed a quick bacon roll and then made my way down to the Pyramid.
The sun was as hot as ever. As I was there quite early, I managed to bag a place near one of the rear speaker stacks in the field. Not only did this off a place to lean against, it also offered a little shade from the sun.
The field filled up quite quickly. Some other friends, Hannah & Vicky were working at Glastonbury – litter picking. I knew they wanted to see Rolf too, so we exchanged texts and they made their way through the crowds to my vantage point.
The Australian legend was as good as expected. Everyone was having a good dance and a good singalong. It got the weekend off to a great start.
The girls were on work duty shortly, so we head off to grab them some food. If you’re a vegetarian, then you’re certainly well looked after. I do enjoy my meat though. It was a veggie stall that they went for and it looked really good nosh. Felafels with salad in a big wrap.
Afterwards, we made our way back to the Pyramid area. They headed North to their campsite, I started making my way through the crowds to the opposite side. Here was a lesson to be learned – the most direct route isn’t necessarily the quickest.
It really was quite busy and as I got about a third of the way, I heard the PA strike up, “Ladies & gentlemen, please give a huge welcome to.... SNOOP DOG”. Oh heck. Should have checked the running order. I really wasn’t ready for this. Too far across to turnaround though, so nothing for it. Plough on.
Working your way through a crowd of this side is very, very hard! I latched onto a line of people and followed them, but they were only going a bit of the way and they stopped when they reached friends.
I think the worst came as I approached a line of trees towards the right hand side. The crowd just stopped dead. We were packed like sardines and no-one was going anywhere! Patience is a virtue. After a few minutes, a couple decided to try and squeeze through. I put a hand on the shoulder of the girl at the back (letting her know I was following) and we pressed on. After what seemed an age, things started to ease up and then we were flowing again.
Note to self – to get from one side of the Pyramid to the other, DO NOT go through the crowd.
I made my way up to one of the paths and gently strolled along. Coincidentally, I bumped into Jo. She was on her way back from having a shower. She had to queue for three hours!
Back to the tents for her to dump her stuff and then out again. Andy had texted a while ago to say he was at the Cock Mills bar again. We started to make our way there, probably a 20 minute walk. Partway there, we decided to check that he was still actually there. Good job we did, because he had made his way to the Other Stage. A quick detour for us then.
According to the text, he was sat in front of the red bus. We enter from the right hand side and see that it’s a fairly busy crowd to see The Stranglers. Steadily we follow the path in front of the stalls round to the red bus (a debt assistance type stall thing). We walk in about 5m and then start scanning. No joy whatsoever, it’s just too busy to be able to spot anyone. Hey ho, we just settle in to enjoy the show.
After about 20 mins, Jo notices that someone that has just stood up, about 5m away, “Is that him?” she asks. I can’t be sure but don’t think so. After a while though, I’m really not sure so we work out way through to him, and it is! We’d been there for 20-30 mins looking for him and all the while he was but a few steps away!
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