The usual three of us met up and had a walk down to the other stage. We must have had food on the way, but I can’t quite remember what – possibly another Growler.
While I think about food, there’s one dish that I had that I haven’t mentioned so far. I must have forgotten about it. I believe I had it late on Saturday afternoon.
Behold the Goan fish curry...
There was a bit of a queue for this stall 20+ people, but it came well recommended. Definitely worth waiting for! Some huge bits of fish in it and a lovely spicy sauce. I think it cost £7, which is the most that I paid for a meal, but it was good value and very tasty.
Back to Sunday morning...
We found a spot in the shade of a flag (didn’t last long) and listened to the band that were playing – Frightened Rabbit. Again, this is a band that I’d heard mention of before. They were really good actually. All three of us enjoyed it.
I’m not totally sure what we did next, but I do know that myself and Andy had already decided to go and watch the football in the afternoon.
They had put aside a field especially for it. England versus Germany in the World Cup. We found a reasonable spot in the field and had a sit down. It was damn hot and no shade. The field filled up fast. At one point I had a good look round and estimated there to be well in excess of 40K people there.
I’m not going to talk about the game much. There was a great atmosphere though. Lots of inflatables flying around. At half time, as one, 30K all sat down. That was quite sight to see.
The end of the game came round and despite the result, everyone’s spirits weren’t dented at all.
We walked back to the tent. I say “walked”. That amount of people all heading in the same direction was quite a challenge. Typically Glasto though, not one person was bothered by it. We just got on and did it.
Despite it being relatively early, we weren’t going to return, so took supplies (alcohol) with us and went to meet Jo at the Pyramid. It was going to be Jack Johnson followed by Faithless followed by Stevie Wonder. The only variance from this was Andy fancied Toots & The Maytalls rather than Faithless. V & H were also going to try and join us.
Jo had bagged a good spot down near the intermediate railings. This was good as we could stick our bags at the railings, also were less likely to get barged about too much.
Jack Johnson came on after a short while and went down really well. Just what everyone was in the mood for – a nice bit of mellowness for a Sunday afternoon.
And now... one of the moments that I had been waiting for all weekend...
And they didn't disappoint. An absolutely blinding set. Myself and Jo were dancing from start to finish. The crowd were loving it so much too.

V&H managed to join us straight after Jack Johnson and for the start of Faithless, but moved back to get more space to dance.
Another thing about Glastonbury is the range of taste etc. When Faithless finished, we had this huge change in crowd. Many wanted to stay of course, but by the same token, a lot left for elsewhere whilst other came for the headliner...
What can you say about the legend that is Stevie Wonder?
Again, I'd been looking forward to this. Faithless into Stevie? Awesome.
I'm not even going to try and describe the set. Andy had managed to get back to us, so all three of us enjoyed it together. Simply brilliant. All the people around us were loving it too.
V&H came to join us again straight after Stevie. We all chose to hang about and let the crowds die off a bit.
After a while Jo decided to call it a night. Only one thing for it then.... West Holts!
Due to fears about massive queues getting out of the carparks, we had made tentative plans about getting up at 6am to beat the rush.
This was before we had a drink, or several.
I vaguely remember saying to Andy that we ought to head off to bed. This was sometime after 2am. Shall we say that the two of us had thoroughly made the most of the evening! Lots of random strangers to share a cider with and have a natter.
My last memory before falling asleep was sending Andy a text at about 3am. Something along the lines of - "There's no way that I'm gonna make 6!"
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