Monday, February 05, 2007

A decent title coming here soon!

Lovely weekend, wasn't it?

Saturday started with me and Jack going out for a good run. A bit of Wii playing followed. B2 was with us, so she was determined to beat up a few folk in the boxing ring.

In the afternoon, we chose to head out on the bikes. Nice and crisp, very little wind and bright sunshine. Ideal, and the first one of the year. a very leisurely 7 miles which was really pleasant indeed.

The evening had us a nice chinese at the restaurant down the road, commonly known as the "Sexual Inn" (I've known better nicknames!)

Yesterday I was involved in a selection day with Sams. Up again at 7am. That's really not so good for a weekend. A succesful day though with four prospective volunteers going forward for training.

When I got home, H had taken B2 back home, so I decided to catch the second half of the United game at the pub. Four pints later I headed home. I was looking forward to watching Top Gear, but the next thing I knew, I was waking up to see the programme that came on at 9pm! That's the price I pay for getting up early. Gonna have to watch the repeat now. Bugger.

Ants - still no tunneling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

7 miles?! Thought it was only like 3 or 4. I feel so healthy!