Saturday, September 11, 2010

Ramblng Rose

Right, a little bit of neglect, blogwise. Must try harder! Now that I've (re)started it, I ought to make the effort.
So this one's just going to become a bit of a natter really.

First day back after two weeks off, was last week.
What did I do with my two weeks off? Not a great deal to be honest, but that's what I wanted to, so it's not all bad.
The first week was pretty damn wet for a start, so lots of messing about. I rediscovered the up to date version of Elite and messed about on that quite a bit. Squeezed in a bike ride.
The middle weekend was spent a bit of a mess, and come the second week, I actually decided to do something. A few good walks, a few more bike rides and lots more relaxing.
Yep, come last Monday I was pretty refreshed.

It's been a while since I've had a whole fortnight off work and it WAS a shock to the system. Soon got into it though and was firing on all cylinders within a couple of hours.
The week has shot by. Duty on Monday night. A visit to Norwich Air Ambulance on Thursday to present them with a check for £10K from our Snowdon walk.

So here we are, Saturday! A bit of a sod. Ordered a new 40" TV. That arrived this morning. I unpacked it, and starting setting up. As usual, I got rid of all the polystyrene as I went. It was only when I set it up and went to turn it on that I realised that all the screen was cracked. Next steps - retrieve all of the packaging from the bin and try and package it up again.

Today was supposed to be Thorpe Park, but it was light rain today versus sunny tomorrow, so that's when I'm going now instead.

My God, what a boring post. Only marginally better than none at all...

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