Was it really Thursday when I last posted? Blimey. Time flies eh?
So what's been going on? Strangely, the weather has been odd. Earlier on in the week it had been forecasting mid to high 20s all week. It got round to Thursday and I checked the forecast and it said heavy rain on for Friday!
Well, the reason for my comment is that myself and B2 were going to head off to the coast on the Friday. Having seen the change in forecast, we decided to go walking on Thursday afternoon instead. Having driven all Thu morning, I really couldn't be bothered with driving out to the coast, so we did a local circular walk instead. Hot or what! Blimey.
Poor old Jack was suffering, but towards the end, we headed down to the river side and he had a plunge.
Friday came. It poured. All day. As we've got part of the living room bay window roof removed, it was coming through the ceiling and dripping from the brackets holding the curtain rail up. At one point, I had five bowls all stategically placed along the windowsill. Also had to empty them about once every half hour.
So here was Saturday. WW very relieved to have a day off, having worked her socks off all week.
This afternoon we headed off to the cinema to watch Charlie & The Chocolate Factory. The original takes some living up to. Gene Wilder really made a fantastic Wonka. But Tim Burton and Johnny Depp - sounds like a good combination.
I'm not really that fond of cinemas. I went earlier this year to watch Revenge Of The Sith. This was the first time that I had been in over ten years!
Well today's event wasn't so bad. The film's been out a few weeks and so the rush had died. The place was less than half full, which suited me.
And the film? Well, the three of us really enjoyed it. Depp was brilliant. The kid who played Charlie was also very good. I seem to think that it had more to it than the original film, but it is a while since I saw that. All in all a good 8.5 out of 10.
Also today I finished off HP - The Half Blood Prince. Very similar to the others in the series. Quite hard to put down, very readable and a very edge-of-the-seat last couple of chapters. It leaves you with quite a few questions to be answered in the final(?) book, but nothing that old JK shouldn't be able to tie up nicely. WW and me were having quite a few debates about Snape's character. All good stuff.
Travian - still a bit addicted and a bit obsessed. Hopefully these feelings will ease!