Okay, it's time for me to sing the praises of Apple a little bit. It's quite surprising that I haven't done so already on these pages. Firstly a little potted history on me and computers. My first was as a 10/11 year old with a ZX81. Then came the Spectrum then an Acorn Electron. Then there was a pause before my first PC at about 20 years old. This was a mighty beast with a 286 processor, 1 MB of Ram and a 40MB hard drive. I kept this for about 3/4 years before selling it on in about '95. That was it......... until this year. Myself and WW had been maybe deciding it would be a good idea to get one and this was it. MACs started to take my eye and I made a few enquiries. The more I learnt about them, the more I knew that these machines were what I wanted. The rest, as they say, is history.
So why mention them today? Well I borrowed a digital camera from work - more of the reason why in a minute. At work I dug out the software CD, the USB cable and brought everything home. Something about MACs is their properly, brilliant plug & play ability. SO I tested this out. Plugged in the cable, plugged in camera, turned it on and blam! iPhoto (Apple's photo software) started up, it connected to the camera and downloaded the images. Easy as that! No messing around with installing software (90% of which you don't need), no messing around with on-line registering, no restarting PCs, no conflicts with other programs. THIS is how it's supposed to be!!!
Okay, so why the camera? Well we had a bit of a boy's night at the bowling. 'Twas muchos goodos funnos. Here's the pics to prove it......

Tony & John arguing over a ball!

4P not looking so happy. He should be though, he won two out of the three games.

Kirby taking it easy.

Poser of the day award goes to John.
Yes, all in all, a good evening. Finished off with a beer in the Livvy and then home in time to watch the final few get kicked out of the Big Brother house.
1 comment:
wow, big difference already in the building works. We are somewhat lacking behind you, just midway through hall plastering/redecorating, not to mention the 2 downstairs rooms waiting for the above treatment too!
Thanks for the birthday cards, and voucher-honestly there's no need to get the boys anything, but i will keep my eyes open for something-would it scare you if i got them some dressing up clothes??!!!
Anyway, whenever you fancy a daytrip or are passing by (enroute to wembley-15min drive) let us know, and we're get together.
Love to all
Clare and boys
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