I've got a week off this week. Somebody said to me "what have you got planned?", the straight answer is - nothing. Good eh?
I've got a dentist appointment tomorrow late afternoon, and picking Nat up on Thursday morning but that's it.
Been watching a bit of cricket this morning. Entertaining stuff.
Firstly, a wave to Clare & the boys. Thanks for the comments, good to hear from you.
Decided to have a bit of a lay in this morning. I think that I managed about 30 mins between WW leaving and the builders arriving. So what's been going on today? Well, the scaffolders are here again. They're increasing the height of the current stuff, i.e. taking the level up to the roof to allow for the roof trusses to be fitted and the high level brickwork. They're also scaffolding up around the existing roof to allow for the tile removal and refelting. I haven't go any photos of the front of the house, as they're putting that scaffold up as we speak.
Here we go. This first one is from a slightly different angle, but you can see where the chimney is.
This next one shows the side of the new bit.
This is the familiar angle so you can see the progress since the last lot.
This next bit shows our outbuilding. We're still keeping it so that we've got somewhere to store stuff like the lawnmower and bikes. We've had to move the door though. If we'd have kept the current one, that would have opened straight into the dining room! Here is the door, newly bricked up.
And finally, here is the same building showing the new doorway. Dave and Terry are busy working on getting the walls ready for a new roof to be fitted.
All in all, well pleased with progress still. We had really awful weather over the weekend. It poured with rain and because we haven't got any roof, as such, over the bays, water was really coming into the rooms big style. Not good.
Now though the sun is shining and it's forecast good weather for the whole week.
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