The journey from HK to Perth was pretty uneventful. This time I was sat next to a teenage Chinese boy. His English was only marginally better than my Cantonese, so the conversation was pretty much limited to "hello" and "goodbye" at the relevant times of the journey.
The food was nice again though. All things being relative, this flight lined up to be a short one, but at 7.5 hours, it wasn't really. I struggled to get to sleep again. Every single position that I attempted resulting in aches somewhere. In the end, I gave it up and watched a few films.
The sun was out as we flew in to Perth and it was good to see the city skyline. I seem to be pretty familiar with it having seen so many photos leading up to this trip.
Australia have really tightened up on quarantine inspections lately. This is a lot due to the recent foot and mouth outbreak in the UK. So arrivals took a while.
After about 30 mins. Anna turned up in a people carrier taxi. Fortunately, her recent part time job is manning the telephone for this tour place, so the trip back to the city was gratis.
We chilled for a lot of the day, but wandered around the city a little. I bought a compact sleeping bag and we headed back to her flat.
Later on we had another walk around. The sun was shining brightly, so it was pretty warm. Late afternoon saw us head to a sushi restaurant. We ordered a mixed dish of sushi, plus some (raw) tuna served on boiled rice.
I've never really sampled sushi before. It was ok, but I prefer standard Chinese fayre I think. At $17.50 (Just under £7.50) for two, it was an absolute bargain though.
An early night for me saw me getting my head down by 7pm and I pretty much slept through for 11 hours solid.
This morning it's little overcast, but it's hopefully going to brighten up. We will be heading off to King's Park for some good sightseeing and lots of snaps!
See you later.
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