As mentioned, it was a little cloudy earlier. Fortunately the sun burnt the clouds off. I decided to go for a walking tour out of a book that the wonderful H bought me in preparation for this trip.
I started off from the flat and cut through some of the business area, up a hill and then into the famous King's Park.
I couldn't resist taking lots of shots of the skyline of Perth from the park, but I'll just put a few tasters here. I'll publish all of my pics to my Mac page when I'm done here. For now, feast your eyes on this view...

The park itself is absolutely beautiful. You're constantly looking up in the trees to see the birds that are making such a noise. A lot of these are wild parrots. Unfortunately, as they're against the sky, they only come out as silhouettes, but I will try and get some pics of them next time I go to the park.
I walked the whole length, popped into the university area and then walked back along Swan River.
This structure is called Swan Bells and is named as one of the largest musical instruments in the world.

I kept following the river and then popped onto Heirisson Island, on which there are supposed to be kangeroos. Unfortunately there weren't any there, but I grabbed this view...

If you look at the bottom photo and look at the horizon to the very far left, that is from about where that I took the first photo on here.
I headed back through town, although didn't do too much browsing as that's tomorrow's job!
All in all, I plotted it to be 11.55 miles, so a bit of a leg stretcher.
Food talk - a filled chicken roll near Swan Bells was absolutely huge and only $4.60 (£1.90). I grabbed a smoothie on the way back too. Bloomin' lovely. I have never had them at home, but may well do so from now on.
Ms Carter is taking me out for a steak somewhere tonight and to meet one of her friends from here, so that should be a nice evening.
See you tomorrow.
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