Tuesday, October 03, 2006

At Last

H said to me last night "You haven't done a blog entry for a while". My reply was that I only remember about it when I don't have time to do one!
It seems that thought must have stuck with me. I find myself with a spare five minutes and here we are.
There is one problem though. A lot of what we've been doing has photos to illustrate. All the photos are on the machine at home.
I guess I'll just have to add them later.

A few things have been happening. Following on from the visit by the guys on OOS, Reg visited again (we did't put her off the first time!). She was also joined by Kerynn. She's also from OOS and was visiting England all the way from Australia. A good couple of days involving lots of laughing!

I guess that the most recent weekend has been the busiest for us though. This has been planned in for a while. We were to be invaded by H's housemates from university days. The difference being that the housemates have turned into families!
The events started with a flying visit to H's sister. It was little Cerys's 1st birthday. Lorraine (H's sister) had made a really fab cake in the shape of a toadstool with accessories (it was a fairy party).
So back home just in time for the first arrivals. Clare & Mo along with their two sons Kieran and Adam, 4 and 2 respectively. We learnt two things... firstly that our house is not toddler proof, secondly that Jack does not take kindly to being followed about by little people. The two boys did a fantastic job of keeping us all entertained!
Sunday morning saw the arrival of others. Firstly Tim & Bobbie with Nicole, then Lorraine & Norm with Cerys. Unforunately, Clare & John couldn't make it.
So plenty of folks around and a great time had by all. As I said, photos to follow. Now need to do some work.

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