Thursday, June 07, 2007

Time Wont Let Me Go

It's time for another tribute. It's Reg's turn.

I first met Reg a couple of years ago when she joined the OOS forum. My first comment referred to her as a him. An easy mistake to make, surely! I was soon put right. Her proper name is Rachel. The reason for Reg? Well, I love this. Rachel is obviously shortened to Rach. However, when her friends are out having a few drink Rach gets slurred into Reg. The name has stuck. Good, innit?

So this is Reg (wii-ing in our day room, dirty bitch)...

She'll hate me for that pic.

As time went on, both myself and H got close to Reg. Eventually she came to stay with us and we had a great time. She even taught H how to throw the horns. Unfortunately, H still can't remember how to do this and always ends up doing the cub scout salute instead.

She's stayed with us twice since then, and each time we have a fab time.

It's amazing when you meet someone and then realise you actually have quite a bit in common. So get this...

She lives in Lincoln, where I grew up, so we have knowledge of a lot of the pubs etc. Although a lot of them have changed names since I used to go out in Lincoln. Some remain the same though - The Crown, The Jolly Brewer, The Tap, The Cornhill Vaults etc.

She actually went to the same school as me (The City School) albeit a few years after me.

Her parents moved to France when she was younger. Her mum still lives there, about an hours drive from where my folks are.

So that's Reg. A genuinely warm and sincere person. We love her to bits, as does Jack!

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