Thursday, December 14, 2006

Today's The Day

I seem to do nothing but apologise on here for not posting. I think I'm going to stop apologising. I'm a busy person. Those people who post on their blog everyday. Where do they find the time?

Anyway, today's a good a day as any to post again I suppose. Thanks for the cards - those that have sent them. I don't know who has as I haven't opened any yet. That'll come later.

Still don't really know what we're doing yet. I think we'll probably go out for a nice Thai meal tomorrow night, but don't know about tonight yet. Maybe get a bottle of fizzy stuff on the way home and have a quiet night in.

However mild is it at the moment. Driving into work the other day and it was 12°. That's pretty warm. I don't mind it so much though. What would be pretty good if this continues for a bit and then it goes really cold. I'm a bit of a fan of extreme weather conditions. I would much prefer us to have it really cold than for it to be miserable with wind and rain.

Ah! I know what I've got to rant about. My Wii. Or rather lack of it. This is supposed to be a great gaming experience. When I found out a bit about them, I decided to kick the X-Box into touch and get one. I've had one pre-ordered since September. The release day was last Friday and I haven't got one yet. Bloody annoying. The place where I'm getting it from is fairly confident that I'll get one before Christmas, but it would have been nice to have it a bit sooner.

Bah humbug.

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