Saturday, August 06, 2005

Bit Irritated

Bloody cold sores!

What good are they eh? They start with a little twitch in the corner of your mouth and then after a few hours, you've got the full blown thing. They sit there causing a little discomfort, a little irritation. The worst is when you want to eat something. To eat you obviously have to open your mouth and that's when you cause more bother. I think that the cold sore sits there trying to seal the corner of your mouth up so that when you open up your mouth, you undo all of the "good" work that has been done. Stubble gets involved which makes shaving hard work. I don't think that it's peaked yet though.
So what of the cures? Well you can get cream. What does it say? For the "relief" of cold sores. Well yes, I do want it relieved, but I also want it CURED. What about a cream that "cures" cold sores eh?

Little Villages

I've started an on-line games called travian ( It's quite good really. You're on an immense map with thousands of other players and you start with a one building village and a population of four. Steadily you reap crops, dig clay, forest trees etc and your village grows and then you have a couple of choices - got to the dark side and invade other villages, steal and plunder or form alliances and grow. I'm very early on in the game, but I'll let you know how it goes.


WW (Wonderful Wife) had a read of my Blog last night. She spotted a couple of typos. Gah! I hate that. I'm normally pretty good at such things. There's even a spell checker on here. I must try harder.


Well, I've dropped this URL into my sig on THAT forum. Be interesting to see how long (if ever) it takes someone to spot it.

Bring on the photos :

Okay, these are the latest -

Pretty good eh?
We're please with progress, despite the rain over the last few days. They've also put the first floor joists in since these photos, so a little bit more progress there.

Bring on the other work! Should be done by end of Oct.

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