Thursday, August 11, 2005

What a difference a day makes

The title of this post is probably a bit misleading. It actually means nothing at all. You probably read it and thought "Blimey, what has happened in the last 24 hours?". It was the first thing that came into my head. I will now have that song going through my head for the rest of the day. (the Jamie Cullum version, just to clarify).

Wow! Some comments! So it is true, Big Brother is watching!

*Waves at Tilly*

Let's clarify something here too. The time is 12:48. I'm not exactly writing this Blog on company time, so no grassing me up okay? I'm actually at home briefly. Been to Norwich this morning and need to pop to the bank, so thought I would do a quick update.

It looks like rain. This is not good building wise. Photos needed I think. Things have shot up a little and an update is needed. I might go and do that now actually and then post them a bit later.

Okay until then............

So here we are.

This is the first from a similar view to what I've done before to give an idea on what progress has been made.

We do like the brickwork above the window spaces.


Bloody "Dave the Brick" eh? I asked him to move out of shot and he told me to bugger off. "This is my handywork and I'm on the photo" (he might not have actually said this!)

What else have we got :

Not that exciting really, it's only a bloomin' chimney! But hey, what the hell.
Notice the bits of blue polythene towards the bottom of the shot. That's where Dave has fitted some of our old tiles onto the chimney. I like that. It's like putting some of the old into the new. Helps give it more character.

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